Healthy Housing Programs

Changing Pennsylvania one home at a time.
Addressing our most pernicious problems at the root.
Since inception Moravia Cares has been active in numerous efforts to improve the lives of Pennsylvania residents. In addition to our current community outreach projects, we are introducing an effort on housing renovation called the Moravia Cares Healthy Housing Programs. By improving the homes in our neighborhoods, we hope to improve the lives within our community.
Home Safety Statistics
- Research finds that living in poor quality housing was associated with a 25% higher risk of mental health problems
- A recent study found that home modifications can reduce the risk of falls by 39%
- Reports show that seniors are twice as likely to die in a home fire than the general population
- Up to 87% of old dilapidated housing contains health hazards of mold, asbestos, lead, and/or pest infestation.
Lead Exposure in Reading, PA.
- Lead paint was banned in 1978, but most of Reading’s housing has leaded paint which is the primary source of elevated blood-lead levels.
- About 500 children in Reading are diagnosed with lead poisoning each year.
- Reading is one of the poorest cities in America, with 38.7% under the poverty rate.

Doing Well by Doing Good.

Moravia Cares Healthy Housing Programs
Moravia Cares HHP (Healthy Housing Programs) includes efforts such as non-toxic deep cleaning, pest removal, and (as previously mentioned) overall housing renovation of dilapidated homes. This new effort seeks to both dramatically increase the scale and efficacy of our previous work. Not content to only alleviate the symptoms of suffering, Moravia Cares is now attacking the root.