York County Resources

Special Healthcare Needs
JusticeWorks is an organization serving children and families in anger management, family finding and reunification services.
www.justiceworksyouthcare.com(877) 525-5992
MidPenn Legal Services is a non-profit public interest law firm that provides high-quality, free civil legal services to low-income residents and survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault in 18 counties in Central Pennsylvania.
www.midpenn.org(717) 848-3605
(717) 848-3605 (Apply for services)

Disability Rights
Human Services program provides community-based services for children, young people, adults and families in York and Adams county. Services include supports for coordination, pre-vocational, community habilitation, transitional work and community home services.
yorkcountypa.gov/health-human-services/mental-health-mental-retardation-program.html(717) 771-9618
United Cerebral Palsy provides assistive technology devices, equipment and services for individuals with disabilities. Services also include day programs, community aid and residential supports.
www.ucpcentralpa.org(717) 737-3477
(800) 998-4827
Center for Independent Living of Central Pennsylvania offers services and programs to people with all types of disabilities. Services and programs include home modifications, health / wellness, homecare and specialized services.
cilcp.org(717) 731-1900
(877) 865-4893
Merakey provides residential living options, case / care management, behavioral health and therapeutic services for individuals with disabilities.
www.merakey.org(888) 647-0020

Assistive Technology
United Cerebral Palsy provides assistive technology devices, equipment and services for individuals with disabilities. Services also include day programs, community aid and residential supports.
www.ucpcentralpa.org(717) 737-3477
(800) 998-4827
Center for Independent Living Opportunities offers services and programs to people with all types of disabilities. Services and programs include home modifications, health / wellness, homecare and specialized services.

This agency provides a wide variety of services which include early childhood programs, heating assistance, transportation services, health care and economic opportunity.
York Housing Authority provides affordable homes to individuals and families with low income.
Bell Family Shelter is a 30-day emergency shelter serving homeless families.
The YWCA in Perry County provides an emergency only shelter for domestic violence survivors and families. Location is secure and confidential.
www.ywcahbg.org/programs/violence- intervention-and-prevention-services#.XJKZRChKiUk(800) 657-1211 (24 hour crisis hotline)